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February 26, 2019

My iX Family

Written by

Albert Li

University of Michigan 21'

There’s something genuinely special about the community here at iXperience.

This revelation hit me late one night as a group of us sat out by the patio after finishing our Management Consulting homework. Joking around with each other as we reflected on our favorite memories throughout the past few weeks, there was something truly surreal about the moment as I took a step back and really let everything soak in.

iXperience Lisbon 2018 class

iXperience Lisbon 2018 Class

Just hours ago we were hard at work building analytical models together, and now, with that same exact group we were simply relaxing and enjoying each other’s company as if we’d known each other our entire lives. To me, this perfectly captures the type of community iXperience fosters – one where we all learn, bond, and ultimately grow together.

It’s unbelievable to think that what started out as a group of complete strangers would come to be what I called family for a summer – yet that’s precisely what happened.

This random group of people, hailing from literally all over the world, all happened to end up together for an unforgettable summer in Lisbon.   Whether it be a simple weekend getaway to the beach or a spontaneous trip to Paris for the World Cup and all its festivities, I truly have made some of the most incredible memories with people I know I’ll call friends for a lifetime – and I have iXperience to thank for that. 


iXperience Lisbon excursion

iXperience Lisbon weekend excursion

As I reminisce and look back on some of my fondest memories, I can say with certainty that while the unbelievable excursions (like surfing and cliff diving) were absolutely amazing, what I’ll miss most about iXperience is simply the opportunity to interact and learn more about the community we were all so serendipitously placed in. It’s crazy to think that two month ago I had no idea that any of these people existed, and now I literally could not imagine my life without them.

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